Repetition: A regular expression may be followed by one of several repetition operators:
? The preceding item is optional and matched at most once.
* The preceding item will be matched zero or more times.
+ The preceding item will be matched one or more times.
{n} The preceding item is matched exactly n times.
{n,} The preceding item is matched n or more times.
{,m} The preceding item is matched at most m times. This is a GNU extension.
{n,m} The preceding item is matched at least n times, but not more than m times.
*: 匹配任意长度的任意字符
[abc], [a-m], [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], [a-zA-Z], [0-9a-zA-Z]
[:upper:]: 大写字母
[:alpha:]: 大小写字母
[:digit:]: 数字
[:alnum:]: 数字和大小写字母
注意, 如上的部分表示的是一个范围, 而如果和[]联合使用, 以匹配单个字符的话, 需要在外面再包一层[]:
[[:space:]] ... ...
# 过滤sql-pipeline-v2.0开关,中间多个数字、字母、_、/、.,以.sh结尾的串
egrep -o 'sql-pipeline-v2.0([[:alnum:]]|_|-|/|\.){1,}\.sh' /tmp/list.txt
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