
k8s Liemer_Lius 241℃


# calicoctl -h # 一级帮助
  calicoctl [options] <command> [<args>...]

    create    Create a resource by filename or stdin.
    replace   Replace a resource by filename or stdin.
    apply     Apply a resource by filename or stdin.  This creates a resource
              if it does not exist, and replaces a resource if it does exists.
    delete    Delete a resource identified by file, stdin or resource type and
    get       Get a resource identified by file, stdin or resource type and
    config    Manage system-wide and low-level node configuration options.
    ipam      IP address management.
    node      Calico node management.
    version   Display the version of calicoctl.

  -h --help               Show this screen.
  -l --log-level=<level>  Set the log level (one of panic, fatal, error,
                          warn, info, debug) [default: panic]

  The calicoctl command line tool is used to manage Calico network and security
  policy, to view and manage endpoint configuration, and to manage a Calico
  node instance.

  See 'calicoctl <command> --help' to read about a specific subcommand.

# calicoctl node -h  # 二级帮助
Set the Calico datastore access information in the environment variables or
or supply details in a config file.

  calicoctl node <command> [<args>...]

    run          Run the Calico node container image.
    status       View the current status of a Calico node.
    diags        Gather a diagnostics bundle for a Calico node.
    checksystem  Verify the compute host is able to run a Calico node instance.

  -h --help      Show this screen.

  Node specific commands for calicoctl.  These commands must be run directly on
  the compute host running the Calico node instance.

  See 'calicoctl node <command> --help' to read about a specific subcommand.


# calicoctl get nodes  // 获取nodes列表
# calicoctl node status // 查看状态








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