Shell读取yaml文件 – shyaml

Shell Liemer_Lius 569℃


# pip3 install shyaml


# shyaml --help

Parses and output chosen subpart or values from YAML input.
It reads YAML in stdin and will output on stdout it's return value.


    shyaml {-h|--help}
    shyaml {-V|--version}
    shyaml [-y|--yaml] [-q|--quiet] ACTION KEY [DEFAULT]


    -y, --yaml
              Output only YAML safe value, more precisely, even
              literal values will be YAML quoted. This behavior
              is required if you want to output YAML subparts and
              further process it. If you know you have are dealing
              with safe literal value, then you don't need this.
              (Default: no safe YAML output)

    -q, --quiet
              In case KEY value queried is an invalid path, quiet
              mode will prevent the writing of an error message on
              standard error.
              (Default: no quiet mode)

    -L, --line-buffer
              Force parsing stdin line by line allowing to process
              streamed YAML as it is fed instead of buffering
              input and treating several YAML streamed document
              at once. This is likely to have some small performance
              hit if you have a huge stream of YAML document, but
              then you probably don't really care about the
              (Default: no line buffering)

    ACTION    Depending on the type of data you've targetted
              thanks to the KEY, ACTION can be:

              These ACTIONs applies to any YAML type:

                get-type          ## returns a short string
                get-value         ## returns YAML

              These ACTIONs applies to 'sequence' and 'struct' YAML type:

                get-values{,-0}   ## returns list of YAML
                get-length        ## returns an integer

              These ACTION applies to 'struct' YAML type:

                keys{,-0}         ## returns list of YAML
                values{,-0}       ## returns list of YAML
                key-values,{,-0}  ## returns list of YAML

              Note that any value returned is returned on stdout, and
              when returning ``list of YAML``, it'll be separated by
              a newline or ``NUL`` char depending of you've used the
              ``-0`` suffixed ACTION.

    KEY       Identifier to browse and target subvalues into YAML
              structure. Use ``.`` to parse a subvalue. If you need
              to use a literal ``.`` or ``\``, use ``\`` to quote it.

              Use struct keyword to browse ``struct`` YAML data and use
              integers to browse ``sequence`` YAML data.

    DEFAULT   if not provided and given KEY do not match any value in
              the provided YAML, then DEFAULT will be returned. If no
              default is provided and the KEY do not match any value
              in the provided YAML, shyaml will fail with an error


     ## get last grocery
     cat recipe.yaml       | shyaml get-value groceries.-1

     ## get all words of my french dictionary
     cat dictionaries.yaml | shyaml keys-0 french.dictionary

     ## get YAML config part of 'myhost'
     cat hosts_config.yaml | shyaml get-value cfgs.myhost







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